How To Design to Print

This doc will guide the detail way to Design to Print by using Onospod print on demand fulfillment.

1. Add new product

You have 2 ways to create product:

Way 1: On the dashboard > Click at “Create Product”

create a product onospod fulfillment service

Way 2: Navigate to Products > Create Product

create onos product

Way 3: Choose “Create Product”

create product onospod print on demand

Choose product from catalog:

You can search product or navigate to your need item and create. For example: I will choose AOP Hoodie:

create new print on demand product

Fill all product information:

add product information

  • Title: Name of product
  • Description: Content description for product such as Material, Size, Color, Shipping
  • Fulfillment: Upload Image for product to print
  • Status: Choose Active/Draft
  • Publish:

– Choose store you want to submit

– Schedule time to publish

2. Image Media

upload a product image

3. Inventory Information:

product inventory

4. Variants:

variant product

5. Product Type & tags

product organization tags

  • At product type, you can choose: Tshirt, Decal, Hawaii, Baseball, Mask

product type onospod

  • Tags:

This is the end of guide “How to design to print”.

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