Fulfill Print on Demand Orders with Onospod

To fulfill Print on demand orders with Onos, you have 3 ways. They are:

  • Way 1: Request a fulfillment from Shopify store
  • Way 2: Import a bulk of Orders to Onos
  • Way 3: Create Manual Orders

Get started!

1. Way 1: Request a fulfillment from Shopify store

1.1 Create product from Onos dashboard

add new product print on demand

Manage product on stores:

manage print on demand products

Then submit your product to Shopify App store:

submit product to Shopify store

1.2 If there is any order, you can request fulfillment directly on Shopify store or set an automatically fulfillment with Onospod by setting: Shopify Setting > Checkout > Order Processing > Then tick on the box “Auto Fulfill Order”

When your order is sent successfully to Onospod system. Onos will process to produce order and fulfill order.

Please note that, to fulfill orders Onospod, your balance needs to have enough funds for fulfill. See “How to Topup money”

2. Way 2: Import Orders from CSV

Without connecting Onospod to your Shopify store, you can use Onospod for your fulfillment with CSV file.

Your CSV File needs to follow the standard file that Onospod required. Please download the format template:

2.1 Login Onospod app > Orders -> Click to Order Import

Click “Import Orders” to import orders:

import print on demand orders onosThen manage all orders.

manage all print on demand orders

You can easily track order statuses:

  • Pending
  • Processing
  • In Production
  • Fulfilled
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • Rejected

2.2 Request a fulfillment directly on Onospod Shopify Print on demand app:

Each order, click edit order > Mark as fulfilled/Request fulfillment

request for fulfillment

3. Way 3: Create Manual Orders on Onospod Print on Demand

3.1 Click on create orders

create new print on demand order

If product is available on the store, you can filter product & create a manual order easily:

create new manual print on demand order
3.2 Choose Product and Product Information:

If your product is not available on the store, you can create product first then fill all information. See the detail “Create a Print on Demand Product with Onos”

3.3 Request a Fulfillment

When creating order successfully, you can raise a request for fulfillment on each order on Onos system. If your balance is enough money for fulfill, you can request for fulfillment.

submit request fulfillment

This is the end of doc “Request a fulfillment | How to fulfill Print on demand order with Onos”.

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